Characteristics of real learning
Here is a shortlist of characteristics in place when people really learn, internalize the content and are able to act upon their newfound knowledge;
… Collaboration
… Knowledge sharing
… Learn from others
… Draw your own conclusions
… Big picture overview
… Ownership of own learning process
… Proven learning methodology base
… Multiple learning styles accommodated
… No right or wrong - learn form alternative answers
… Cascade through audience - same learning experience
… Participant driven - as opposed to facilitator driven
… Represent reality - don't base on metaphors
… Shared mental model. understanding among participants
… Activity vs. retention optimization
… "Teach others" - the activity from which you learn the most
… Motivational, engaging, challenging, fun
… “for me” - designed for participants to develop skills
… Relevant and appropriate
The need for on-line deployment
…is related to the realities of most companies today.
As employees are disbursed geographically, costs can be kept down by not having to travel to attend training. This is not only a monetary issue but also of time concern. Taking time of for training is one thing, but the added time needed for travel can be hard to justify. Planning and aligning schedules can be difficult.
As we all know, elearning is the appropriate solution for these needs, and there are added benefits too. The ability to plan for and track users, the ability to cascade the same learning experience throughout the organization, the ablity for quick and easy updates to content, and crossreferencing and hyperlinking, just to mention a few. It is an excellent tools for learning and development if used in combination with methodologies and insight.
There are great opportunities.
The Opportunity
In regards of implementation techniques, a few things to consider are whether the program is synchronous or asynchronous, facilitator- or participant driven and whether it is an individual or group experience.
If we consider one end of this spectrum being moderated, synchronous group meetings such as WebEx, Adobe Connect and all the video conference systems available …
… and the other end being individual, asynchronous self-paced on-line training, such as most programs offered today.
This leaves an unfilled gap between the two. A nische with no products today.
The interesting fact is that it is here that real learning happens – a collaborative, synchronous, participant driven learning experience.
The solution
An opportunity to transfer the proven concepts of learning maps onto the benefits of on-line programs. All the characteristics of real learning represented in a learning program combined with what makes on-line technologies suitable for cascading programs through an organization.
- an elearning solution that enables groups of participants to collaborate, share knowledge and learn without the need for a facilitator.